• 2022-06-17
    Reading different news reports of the same news events can help _____.‍
    A: learn English news
    B: remember the memorial day
    C: understand unknown words
    D: find different viewpoints
  • C,D


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      The use of midget words and abbreviations can help to make news headlines shorter.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: Getting familiar with the elements in different kinds of news can help us predict the contents that might appear in the following contents.

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      Backgrounds in news appear in different forms, they can be phrases, clauses, sentences, or even paragraphs.

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      What is the conclusion of the talk A: British English and American English are the same. B: They are so different that Americans can’ t understand Englishmen when they are talking. C: They have different spelling and vocabulary but the same pronunciation. D: They have slight different spelling vocabulary and pronunciation, but the people can understand each other.

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      2. What can we learn from the news?