• 2022-06-17
    B Listen to the dialogue again, and then choose the best answer.1. Which table was the man sitting at yesterday?
    A: A round table.
    B: A table with a flower pot.
    C: A table near the corner.
    D: o
  • A


    • 0

      Listening Two Proper table etiquette (Part 2) Listen to the expert talking about more proper table etiquette and choose the correct endings.

    • 1

      回复以下提问时,哪几项应该重读?----Is the ball on the table?----No,It’s under the table. A: N o B: It’s C: under D: table

    • 2

      There is a table ____ the corner of the room. A: in B: to C: at D: on

    • 3

      Watch the video clip again and choose the correct answer to each question. 1. Why did Bill get a table so easily?

    • 4

      They prefer a table…… A: in the corner B: by the window