• 2022-06-17
    A) Most of them have a long history.[br][/br] B) Many of them are specialized libraries. [br][/br] C) They house more books than any other university library.[br][/br] D) They each have a copy of every book published in Britain.
  • B


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      Other<br/>things the same, countries with low income are likely to increase<br/>their income more by adding another unit of capital than are<br/>countries that have high income. (<br/>)

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      Amanda<br/>has many Type A personality traits. That means Amanda is more likely<br/>to () than someone who isn't Type A personality A: suffer<br/>from heart disease B: Have<br/>colds and the flu C: Have<br/>an accident D: suffer<br/>from cancer

    • 2

      Your<br/>choice ___<br/>() The library assistant thinks he has an overdue<br/>book. A: The<br/>books he needs have been checked out by someone else. B: The library assistant is unable to locate the books that he needs. C: A<br/>library notice was sent to him at his previous address.

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      Which<br/>one is NOT TRUE about true leaders?() A: We<br/>do what they say because they have authority over us. B: They<br/>have chosen to look after the person to the left of them, and they<br/>have chosen to look after the person to the right of them. C: They<br/>take the risk before anybody else does. D: We<br/>call them leaders because they will choose to sacrifice so that<br/>their people may be safe and protected.

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      The<br/>poster ______ put down their smartphones and have more<br/>face-to-face communication with each other. (call for)