• 2022-06-17
    Who is John()
    A: Teacher.
    B: Nurse.
    C: Doctor.
    D: Student.
  • D


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      What most probably is Mary() A: Nurse. B: Student. C: Journalist. D: Teacher.

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      Who studies hardest 10() A: Daughter and father. B: Patient and doctor. C: Student and teacher. D: Customer and shop-assistant.

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      13.A)Host and visitorB) Husband and Wife.C) Doctor and patient.D)Teacher and student. A: Host and visitor B: Husband and Wife. C: Doctor and patient. D: Teacher and student.

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      A) Husband and wife. B) Father and daughter. C) Doctor and patient. D) Teacher and student. A: Husband and wife. B: Father and daughter. C: Doctor and patient. D: Teacher and student.

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      5. A) Husband and wife.B) Nurse and patient.C) Teacher and student.D) Boss and employee. A: Husband and wife. B: Nurse and patient. C: Teacher and student. D: Boss and employee.