• 2022-06-16
    Have they accepted the invitation? / Has the invitation ................ by them
    A: accepted
    B: accept
    C: een accepted
  • C


    • 0

      The old man ______ his son's gift, but he didn't ______it. A: receive; accept B: accepted, reveived C: received; accepted D: received; accept

    • 1

      I never regretted ____________ the job, for it was not what I really wanted. A: not to accept B: not having accepted C: not accepting D: having not accepted

    • 2

      I never regretted ____ offer, for it was not where my interest lay. A: not to accept B: not having accepted C: having not accepted D: not accepting

    • 3

      If I were you, I _____<br/>the job. A: would<br/>accept B: would<br/>have accepted

    • 4

      If I were you, I _____ his suggestion. A: would accept B: accept C: accepted