• 2022-06-16
  • 正确


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      若孔与轴配合的最大间隙为+30μm,孔的下偏差为-11μm,轴的下偏差为-16μm,轴的公差为16μm,则配合公差为( )。

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      Wegoontheair,live,at11:30a.m. A: 通风 B: 空气 C: 播报 D: 空运

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      上海证券交易所的连续竞价时间段是: A: 9:15 — 11:30 B: 13:00 — 15:00 C: 9:15 — 11:30;13:00 — 15:00 D: 9:30 — 11:30;13:00 — 14:57

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      M: When will the meeting beginW: According to the schedule it should be at 9:30.M: How long will it lastW: It will last for an hour and a half. When will the meeting be closed() A: 1:30 B: 11:00 C: 9:30 D: 10:00

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      A比B大1/5,那么AB/(A+B)(A-B)的值是( )。 A: 6/5 B: 30/11 C: 11/30 D: 11/7