• 2022-06-16
    How long have the woman been working in the lab
    A: Four years.
    B: Just three years.
    C: Almost three years.
  • C


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      M: You are a good piano player. How long have you been playingW: For a year, What about youM: Oh, I’ve been playing for about two years, but I’m still not very good. How long has the man playing piano() A: About one year. B: About two years. C: About three years.

    • 1

      The two companies have been partners for ______. A: one year B: two years C: three years D: four years

    • 2

      How many years had he lived in Beijing A: 20 years. B: 15 years. C: 10 years.

    • 3

      When do children start school in the man’s country A: Three or five years. B: Three or four years. C: Three to four years.

    • 4

      How long has the woman been a taxi driver() A: 12 years. B: 13 years. C: 2 years. D: 15 years.