• 2022-06-16
    What's the most serious problem African nations are facing
    A: Hunger.
    B: Malnutrition.
    C: Lack of drinking water.
    D: Poor transportation.
  • A


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      What is the latest problem facing people who drive to school A: Pollution in the air. B: A lack of parking. C: Accidents with bicycles. D: A lack of bridges.

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      What is the newest problem facing people who drive to school A: Pollution in the air. B: A lack of parking. C: Accidents with bicycles. D: A lack of bridges.

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      According to the author, what is the most urgent problem the world is now facing?

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      What’s the problem the first McDonald’s restaurant facing now

    • 4

      What has caused a big problem for Americans A: A new kind of car. B: Public transportation. C: The gas shortage. D: Poor people.