• 2022-06-16
    A: 1969/6/17
    B: 1970/6/17
    C: 1971/6/17
    D: 1972/6/17
  • C


    • 0

      某人现借得本金10000元,一年后付息600元,则年利率为( )。 A: 17% B: 17‰ C: 6‰ D: 6%

    • 1

      5/6, 6/11, 11/17, 17/28,( ) A: 28/42 B: 28/43 C: 28/45 D: 28/44

    • 2

      分数6/7、6/13、10/26、17/33、23/56中最小的一个是( ) A: 10/26 B: 6/13 C: 23/56 D: 17/33

    • 3

      All children in the UK must, by law, receive a full-time education from the age of _____ to _____. A: 5, 16 B: 6, 17 C: 5, 17 D: 6, 18

    • 4

      What was Michael's personal best record before he set a new national record? A: 17 feet 6½ inches B: 17 feet 6 inches C: 17 feet D: 16 feet 9 inches