• 2022-06-16
    All cells are enclosed by a plasma membrane, which separates the inside of the cell from its environment.
  • 内容

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      Which of the following is NOT the basic pathological changes of viral hepatitis() A: Inflammation: Lymphocytes, plasma cells in portal tract B: Damages, Degeneration and Cell death C: Fibrosis D: Cell apotosis

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      The envelope of an animal virus is derived from the ______ of its host cell. A: cell wall B: glycoproteins C: membrane D: receptors

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      The envelope of an animal virus is derived from the ( ) of its host cell. A: cell wall B: membrane C: glycocalyx D: receptors

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      A plasma cell has developed from a B cell. Compared to the cell from which it was derived, the plasma cell A: displays more pMHC Class II B: is a more efficient antigen presenting cell C: recognizes different epitopes D: releases soluble immunoglobulins E: undergoes more efficient isotype switching

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      From inside to outside, The second layer is A: internal limiting membrane B: inner plexiform layer C: nerve fiber layer D: ganglion cell layer