• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: The power mixture is compacted in large pieces and subsequently broken down or sized into granules by .
  • the dry granulation method


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      中国大学MOOC: 辨识句中的一处错误,答案填写A,B,C,D字母。 The carpenters tried to join together the pieces of the broken beam, but found it A B C impossible to do. D

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      中国大学MOOC: The company has announced that it has invented a large power pack to run home ___ like refrigerators and washing machines when the electricity goes out.

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      You can't use the computer. It___. A: was broken down B: is wrong C: is bad D: has broken down

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      Put these steps in the correct order. A: We cut Xs into the rubber tree. B: It is rolled and rolled until it is the proper thickness. C: Sugar and different flavours are added. D: The chicle runs down the tree. E: The chewing gum is now broken into little sticks. F: Large machines mix the mass until it is smooth. G: We collect the chicle in buckets. H: The mixture is heated.

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      中国大学MOOC:"Power Conversion Efficiency=Optical output power / Electric input power";