• 2022-06-17
    The bill came to .
  • 77 francs


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      Which bill of lading can be transferred only after endorsement?: bearer bill of lading|clean bill of lading|order bill of lading|straight bill of lading

    • 1

      The transferee of the bill has obtained all the rights of the bill by accepting the bill, and if the bill is rejected or other problems occur, the transferee of the bill cannot sue in his own name.

    • 2

      In international cargo transportation, the most widely adopted bill of lading is( ) A: straight bill of lading B: unclean bill of lading C: bear bill of lading D: order bill of lading

    • 3

      29. Perhaps it will be a long time _____ from abroad. A) when Bill comes back B) before Bill comes back C) when Bill will come back D) that Bill comes back A: when Bill comes back B: before Bill comes back C: when Bill will come back D: that Bill comes back

    • 4

      When the holder of the bill receives the payment of the bill, he shall return the signed bill to the drawer.