• 2021-04-14
    You should ___________ when writing an application letter.
  • catch the reader’s attention favorablyconvince the reader that you are a qualified candidateconvey confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm


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      Just like any other types of business letter, an application letter should include the basic elements of a formal letter.

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      Which of the followings are not approriate when writing a letter? A: Write the whole letter with capital letter. B: Write the letter with red color words. C: Write the letter with black color words. D: Use many!in the letter.

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      What should you ask for in the last paragraph of an application letter?

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      Which of the following statement is TRUE about writing an application letter? A: The letter should be addressed to a specific individual. B: You may brag and boast your own ability and qualification. C: You should provide your contact and request an interview. D: Specify the job you want.

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      In the first paragraph of the body, you should introduce yourself and your _______ of writing this letter.