• 2022-06-18
    Which one is NOT one of American three worldwide record companies?
  • Bollywood Music Group


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      Which one of these is the first American newspaper?

    • 1

      int one = 10 ; int two = 20 ; int three = 0 ; three=one+two; System.out.println("three = one + two ==> "+three); three+=one; System.out.println("three += one ==> "+three); three-=one; System.out.println("three -= one ==> "+three); three*=one; System.out.println("three *= one ==> "+three); three/=one; System.out.println("three /= one ==> "+three); three%=one; System.out.println("three %= one ==> "+three);

    • 2

      Today, coffee is one of the three most popular beverages worldwide, the other two are tea and cocoa

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      According to the passage,which of the following is NOT one of the differences between big companies and start-up companies?

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      Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )