- New long memory is disrupted for events after the trauma. This type of amnesia is called ( ). A: anterograde amnesia B: retrograde amnesia C: proactive amnesia D: retroactive amnesia
- What does "retrograde amnesia" refers to? A: the loss of ability to form new memories B: the loss of memory for events that happened in the past C: both A and B D: neither A nor B
- A serious loss of memory and/or the ability to learn called A: aphasia B: amnesia C: stoke D: neglect sydrome
- amnesia A: a state of losing one’s memory B: a state of feeling sad C: a state of feeling betrayed
- The phenomenon of amnesia is clouded in mystery. What is known is that loss of memory can be caused by stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, alcoholism — or by blows to the head.
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In cases of minor injury to the brain. Amnesia is likely to be a temporarily condition.
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【多选题】有一天你在路上遇见了凤姐,并与她打了招呼。一个小时以后,你又遇见了她,但是她并不记得遇见过你。请问她可能出现了下列哪种情况? A. 倒摄抑制 (retroactive interference) B. 逆行性遗忘 (retrograde amnesia) C. 顺行性遗忘 (anterograde amnesia) D. 前摄抑制(proactive interference)
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Who has written Cultural Amnesia: America's Future and the Crisis of Memory() A: Michael G. Zey. B: Stephen Bertman. C: Don Tapscott, et al. D: Marvin Cetron et al.
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According to the passage, amnesia means__________. A: the loss of a good memory because of the interference of certain parts of the brain B: that people can do more with their brain C: that brains are ready for a change D: the retired people's fear for recalling their past
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I ______ Mr. Green last week and had a long talk with him. A: called on B: called forth C: called after D: called off