Communication is _______________.
A: dynamic
B: isolated
C: systematic
D: symbolic
E: eversible
F: contextual
A: dynamic
B: isolated
C: systematic
D: symbolic
E: eversible
F: contextual
- A word or action does not stay frozen when we communicate; it is immediately replaced with another word or action in the communication process. So communication is __________. A: contextual B: symbolic C: dynamic D: irreversible
- The idea that you might talk differently in front of a few people than you might in front of hundreds is reflects what characteristic of communication: A: contextual B: source-centered C: dynamic D: symbolic E: receiver-centered
- Communication is a process,it is ongoing and ever changing. A: symbolic B: transactional C: unavoidable D: dynamic
- What are the features of culture A: shared B: dynamic C: learned D: isolated
- Communication can not take place without a particular environment so that intercultural communication competence is also __________ . A: competitive B: contextual C: appropriate D: imperative
- 0
Which of the following cultural group is likely to use a personal communication style instead of a contextual communication style? A: Japanese B: French C: Chinese D: Americans
- 1
The Americans and Chinese are likely to use a personal communication style instead of the contextual one.
- 2
中国大学MOOC: Which of the following cultural group is likely to use a personal communication style instead of a contextual communication style?
- 3
Culture is a static entity while communication is a dynamic process.
- 4
Communication is the creation of shared understanding through symbolic processes. A: 正确 B: 错误