• 2022-06-18
    —When will you come to see me, Dad —I will go to see you when you ______ the training course.
    A: will have finished
    B: will finish
    C: are finishing
    D: finish
  • D


    • 0

      I ______ today’s homework already. What about you? A: have finished B: finish C: to finish D: finishing

    • 1

      By the time you come back I () the work. A: finish B: shall finish C: shall have finished D: would have finished

    • 2

      You go to see a ____ when you have problems with your teeth.

    • 3

      I can tell you for sure that the new building______ by the time you come back next year. A: will be finished B: will finish C: will have been finished D: finish

    • 4

      Helen asked Roger, “Can you tell me when __________________ (you will have time, will you have time) to see me?”