A chemical engineering professor weighs 70 kg and is 175 cm tall. What is his body mass index (BMI)
A: 18.9
B: 20.9
C: 22.9
D: 25.9
A: 18.9
B: 20.9
C: 22.9
D: 25.9
- 成人身体质量指数(BMI)正常范围为多少 A: 18.5~22.9 B: 13.5~20.9 C: 15.5~18.9 D: 20.5~25.9 E: 25.5~32.9
- Alana decided to look up her body mass index (BMI) after completing the weight control lessons of CHEM181x. Answer parts (a) and (b) before clicking Final Check.a. How is this measure calculated? A: By dividing her weight in kg by her height in metres squared. B: By dividing her weight in kg by her body fat percentage squared. C: By subtracting her muscle mass percentage squared from her weight in kg. D: By subtracting her bone mass squared from her weight in kg.
- ( )是个综合性指标,是反映蛋白质-能量营养不良和肥胖症的可靠指标。 A: BMI B: 体质指数 C: 标准体重 D: body mass index
- 身体质指数(Body Mass Index, BMI)是国际上常用的衡量人体肥胖程度和是否健康的重要指标,BMI=体重(kg)/身高2(m2),国内BMI指标如下表: 分类 国内BMI值(kg/m2) 偏瘦 <18.5 正常 18.5~24 偏胖 24~28 肥胖 ≥28 使用input()输入你的身高、体重,算出BMI值,显示出你所属的分类情况。
- Why are Record and Austin especially worried about the low body mass index of models?