• 2021-04-14
    The Great Wall was made not only for stones and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.
  • Synecdoche


    • 0

      Men first came to Britain probably before the Great Ice Age, who were called____ or the stone age men.

    • 1

      The Great Wall is ______ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year. A: so a well-known B: a so well-known C: such well-known a D: such a well-known

    • 2

      (The) Great Wall is (so a) well-known (tourist attraction) that (millions) of people pour in every year.() A: The B: so a C: tourist attraction D: milions

    • 3

      Men first came to Britain probably before the Great Ice Age, who were called____ or the stone age men.( ) A: Celts B: Romans C: Iberians D: cave men

    • 4

      长城既是历史文化古迹,也是独一无二的自然景观。 A: The Great Wall is cultural relic and the only landscape without the second one. B: The Great Wall is cultural relic and unique natural landscape. C: / D: /