• 2022-06-17
    中国大学MOOC: The only function of accounting and financial management system is to prevent financial risks.
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      中国大学MOOC: Financial management is the management of monetary resources. It involves planning accurately, directing the monetary resources at correct time and controlling the financial activities of a

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      中国大学MOOC: Financial institutions are economic units whose main function is to handle the financial assets of households and firms in our society.

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      1.1The person generally directly responsible for overseeing the tax management, cost accounting, financial accounting, and information system functions is the: A: treasurer. B: director. C: controller. D: chairman of the board. E: chief executive officer.

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      Which of the followings are the differences between management accounting and financial accounting? A: Users B: Time focus C: Subjects D: GAAP

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      The general objectives of financial regulation are ( ). A: Ensuring financial stability and security and preventing financial risks B: Protection of financial consumer rights C: Improving the efficiency of the financial system D: Regulate the behavior of financial institutions and promote fair competition E: Guarantee the profitability of financial institutions F: Guarantee investors to make money