• 2022-06-17
    acquire __________ of financial
    A: hesitation
    B: expertise
    C: faith
    D: grade
  • B


    • 0


    • 1

      A.fussB.clashC.hesitationD.pause A: fuss B: clash C: hesitation D: pause

    • 2

      What grade is the woman in A: Grade one. B: Grade two. C: Grade three.

    • 3

      The most common division between primary and secondary education in the US is ___________.( ) A: primary schools (Grade 1 to Grade 6) and middle schools (Grade 7 to Grade 12) B: elementary schools (Grade Kindergarten to Grade 8) and high schools (Grade 9 to Grade 12) C: elementary schools (Grade Kindergarten to Grade 3), middle schools (Grade 4 to Grade 6) and high schools (Grade 7 to Grade 12) D: grammar schools (Grade Kindergarten to Grade 6) and high schools (Grade 7 to Grade 12)

    • 4

      What sustains Mark's faith in survival when he regains his consciousness and finds he is left alone? A: His faith in his growing his own food. B: His faith in being rescued soon. C: His faith in being the first settler on Mars. D: His faith in survival with his strong will as well as his expertise.