• 2022-06-17
    The author’s attitude toward housewives’ work is().
    A: critical
    B: indifferent
    C: ironical
    D: appreciative
  • D


    • 0

      The attitude of the author is______. A: ironical B: critical C: appealing D: militant

    • 1

      The author's attitude toward genetically-modified foods is _________. A: indifferent B: cautious C: disapproving D: optimistic

    • 2

      What is the author’s attitude toward start-ups? A: Neutral B: Positive C: Negative D: Indifferent

    • 3

      The writer's attitude toward the idea of American family values is ______. A: critical B: objective C: indifferent D: casual

    • 4

      The writer's attitude toward the present idea of building "New Towns", is ______. A: objective B: indifferent C: enthusiastic D: critical