like hell
A: 拼命地
B: 混日子
C: 极远的
D: 挑剔苛刻
A: 拼命地
B: 混日子
C: 极远的
D: 挑剔苛刻
- like hell
- The last couple of days I’ve had a severe pain in one of my upper right teeth. It hurts _________ when pressed on. A: in hell B: as hell C: like hell D: y hell
- What does “you feel like hell” mean? () A: You like the feeling in hell. B: You know what hell is like. C: You feel terrible as in hell. D: You feel excited as in hell.
- 下列各短语中,主要做主语宾语、一般不作谓语的是()。 A: 李四的拼命反抗 B: 李四拼命反抗 C: 拼命反抗李四 D: 李四拼命地反抗
- 挑剔的客户往往要求苛刻,习惯与在产品或服务的细节上找问题、挑毛病,甚至吹毛求疵。
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I need a baby-sitter to<br/>_____ my baby tomorrow evening. A: hang<br/>around B: attend<br/>for C: attend<br/>to D: like<br/>hell
- 1
完美主义者通常有以下的表现:()。 A: 对自己要求苛刻 B: 对他人要求严格挑剔,不留情面 C: 固执己见 D: 自律性很强,喜欢发号施令
- 2
哪些因素会导致客户出于自身原因而投诉?() A: 挑剔与苛刻的性格 B: 对服务人员抱有偏见 C: 故意挑剔以达到隐蔽的目的 D: 处理心情不好的情况下 E: 客户认为自己没有受到重视
- 3
To be successful, a person has to work like a dog.一个人想要成功就得拼命工作。
- 4
中国大学MOOC: In the film, Shawshank, under its hypocritical disguise, turned out to be a dark hopeless place, just like hell because __________.