• 2022-06-19
    How many years has she been married? She has been married ().
  • 30 years


    • 0

      5. I heard that Alice ___ Harry. A: A. has just been married with B: B. has just married with C: C. hasjust been married to D: D. just has been married to

    • 1

      It has been about seven years since they____. A: got married B: got marry C: get married D: have married

    • 2

      She has been studying here for five years and by the end of next summer she _____.

    • 3

      How many years has Lang been playing clarinet?

    • 4

      She has always been __________ having a holiday in Europe, as she has been saving for years to attain that goal. A: intent on B: adequate for C: deficient in D: conscious of