• 2022-06-19
    Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and _________.
  • duration


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      After<br/>a few years of economic boom, economic crises and( )are becoming<br/>something new. A: recessions B: struggles C: solutions D: receipts

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      There occurred _____ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970’s. A: six B: five C: seven

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      The economic ______ (结构) of this country ______ (模仿了)the Birtish system

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      A—socialist economy B—capitalist economyC—collective economy D—planned economyE—controlled economy F—rural economicsG—liberal economy H—mixed economyI—political economy j—protectionismK—primary sector L—private sectorM—public sector N—economic channelsO—economic balance P—economic fluctuationQ—economic depression R—economic stabilityS—economic policy T—economic recoveryU—Economic trend V—economic situation ()经济平衡()经济复原

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      What kind of economic system does the United States have?