• 2022-06-19
    听力-餐厅订位填词(选自观光旅游一本通) Host: Good evening. Brown Derby. May I help you? Terry: Yes, I'd like to make a dinner reservation for this Saturday night at 7. Host: We're (1) (2) . How about 7:30? We'll have a (3) (4) then. Terry: That's fine. Host: Smoking or nonsmoking? Terry: Nonsmoking. Is the booth by the window? Host: Yes. It (5) the park. Terry: (6) . That'll do nicely. Host: May I have your name and phone number, please? Terry: Terry Chen, and the number is (7) .
  • ooked#solid#booth#available#overlooks#Excellent#5558910


    • 0

      If a guest asks about the room rate, what would he say?( ) A: How may I help you? B: May I have your name and phone number, please? C: What’s the room rate per night? D: Is breakfast included?

    • 1

      Nancy: Hello. This is Sam. May I speak to Terry? A: What are you doing? B: What can I do for you? C: Can I take a message? D: Hold the line, please.

    • 2

      听力-J=Jane (Waitress ) S=Stephen Nobel (Guest) J: May I take your order, sir? S: Yes, please. I would like to 1 with a chef’s salad. J: The chef’s salad for 2 . And what would you like to have for the 3 4 ? S: I’ll have 5 6 . J: How do you like your steak done? S: 7 , please. J: What would you like to go with your steak? S: 8 and 9 . J: Potatoes? S: Yes, 10 . J: How about the dessert, sir? S: No dessert. Give me a cup of coffee. J : Yes, sir.

    • 3

      The police___. A: were called by the father B: were friends with Terry C: knew Terry D: discovered that terry had a stolen car

    • 4

      电话预定餐厅时,餐厅服务员常问的英文问题有( ) A: May I have your name? B: Do you have a reservation? C: What time would you like to make a reservation for? D: What’s your number? E: How many people will be there? F: In whose name was the reservation made?