• 2022-06-07
    ______ to catch fallers. Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport that tests a climber's strength,
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      Regular exercise enhances people’s sense of mental well-being and keeps them ___healthy. A: physically B: mentally C: psychologically D: psychiatrically

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      Rock climbing, in its early stage, became a sport for people with and heavy, thick ropes. A: bower anchor B: dutch courage C: sheer guts D: static ropes E: dynamic ropes

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      ______ point along an ever increasingly harder route. While not an Olympic event, rock climbing is 3. ______ by the International Olympic Committee as a sport. Rock climbing has been

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      中国大学MOOC: The safest way to do rock climbing is to go to an indoor climbing gym .

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      diving skiing rock climbing marathon surfing hiking