• 2022-06-07
    People like extreme sports such as mountaineering, skiing and rock climbing because these pursuits push them further than they ever thought possible.
  • 人们喜欢极限运动是因为他们可以通过参加像登山、滑雪和攀岩这样的极限运动来突破人类的极限。


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      The September 11 terrorist attack in the United States caused more ______ than many people thought possible.

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      ______ point along an ever increasingly harder route. While not an Olympic event, rock climbing is 3. ______ by the International Olympic Committee as a sport. Rock climbing has been

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      【单选题】Why do people in different countries like different sports? (6.0分) A. Because different sports originated in different countries. B. Because different countries call on their people to do different sports. C. Because different people enjoy different sports D. Both Aand C

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      The motivation for people to participate in extreme sports is to get a reward.

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      Because of better medicine and nu______ ,<br/>people now live longer than ever before.