• 2021-04-14
    whoever wherever whatever however whenever whichever ______ late it is, you must come to the party because it will be something fantastic.
  • However


    • 0

      23() A: Whatever B: Whichever C: Wherever D: Whoever

    • 1

      You can stay at my cottage in the country ______ you like. A: whatever B: whenever C: wherever D: whoever

    • 2

      If you don't want to stay here, you can go you like. A: wherever B: whoever C: whichever D: whatever

    • 3

      Your parents are always there by you,_____you need them. A: whenever B: however C: whatever D: whoever

    • 4

      ______ problems you may have, we will help. A: However B: Whatever C: Whichever D: Whenever