• 2022-06-07
    Our company decided to ________ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
  • cancel


    • 0

      The company decided to ______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. A: destroy B: resist C: deny D: cancel

    • 1

      They decided to () the contract because a number of the conditions had not been met. A: attend B: argue C: control D: cancel

    • 2

      They decided to ______ the contract because a number of the conditions had not been met.?xml:namespace> A: attend B: argue?xml:namespace> C: control D: cancel

    • 3

      Our company decided to ______ the contract because the other party his disobeyed the treaty.

    • 4

      Our company decided not to renew the contract with MS Inc. because the products they delivered were neither of the correct number ______ of the right model. A: nor B: or C: and D: also