• 2022-06-07
    The Foreign Minister held a short press conference at the airport. He was besieged by reporters when his plane landed. The Foreign Minister , ____________,held a short press conference at the airport.
  • who was besieged by reporters when his plane landed,


    • 0

      The president hashis foreign minister, Mr.Burns, to act as representative to the international conference to be held in Tokyo net month. A: bade B: sheltered C: compelled D: authorized

    • 1

      At the airport there is a foreign exchange office where you can buy US dollars with RMB. You can _______ in the foreign exchange office at the airport. (convert)

    • 2

      At the press conference held by the Pentagon yesterday, reporters were seen ________ every word of what the spokeswoman said. A: taking down B: taking up C: taking back D: taking off

    • 3

      At the _______ conference held after the game, the football coach apologized to the fans for his team’s poor performance. A: Press B: pressed C: pressure D: pressured

    • 4

      The minister had his secretaries ( )a press conference.