• 2022-06-07
    In 1974, Bill Gates decided to drop out of Harvard and with high school friend Paul Allen he wrote operating software for the newly emerging computers personal.
    A: incorrect word form
    B: incorrect word order
    C: incorrect preoposition
    D: incorrect
  • B


    • 0

      What is written behind the word “To”? Which choice is incorrect?

    • 1

      Su’sdefinitionofcreditspreadriskis: A: correct. B: incorrect,becausecreditspreadriskistheriskthatabond’spricewillfallwhenthebond’sriskpremiumincreaseswhiletheyieldonasimilarmaturityTreasurybondfalls. C: incorrect,becauseCreditspreadriskistheriskthatabond’spricewillfallwhenthebond’sriskpremiumdecreaseswhiletheyieldonasimilarmaturityTreasurybondrises. D: incorrect,becausecreditspreadriskistheriskthatabond’spricewillfallwhenthebond’sriskpremiumremainsconstantwhiletheyieldonasimilarmaturityTreasurybondrises.

    • 2

      Bill Gates developed _______ while he was in Harvard University A: traffic counting systems B: MS-DOS and Mircrosoft Windows C: software for personal computers D: a version of a programming language for computers

    • 3

      Microsoft Word can identify incomplete sentences, awkward wording, and incorrect punctuation.

    • 4
