• 2022-06-07
    The Palace of Versailles is second-most visited monument in Paris, just behind the Louvre and ahead of the Eiffel Tower.
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      - Are you planning to visit Paris? - Yes, I want to see ______ . A: the Eiffle Towe B: the Tower of London C: the Summer Palace D: the White House

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      After the World War I, the result of the ______ was the emergence of the ______. A: Peace Conference, Treaty of Paris B: Paris Conference, Versailles Treaty System C: Teheran Conference, Versailles Treaty System D: Paris Conference, Munich Agreement

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      根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Long ago, a high tower was built. The tower was in the town of Pisa in Italy. It was a beautiful bell tower. But soon the tower did something strange. It began to lean to one side. The tower leaned and leaned. After a while, people gave the tower a new name. They called it the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Millions of people visit Pisa every year. They go there just to see the Leaning Tower. Will the tower ever fall No one knows. The tower was built to hold A: bells B: animals C: stores

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      以下哪处为亚述帝国时期的宫殿建筑? A: A.萨艮二世王宫(Palace of Sargon Ⅱ) B: B.帕赛玻里斯王宫(Palace of Persepolis) C: C.卢浮宫(The Louvre) D: D.凡尔赛宫(Palais de Versailles)

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      The tower of London is now called the White Tower.