• 2021-04-14
    the number in full-time employment fell by 2 million, the number of people in part-time work doubled to over 4 million.
  • While


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      Which of the following is NOT a common job requirement A: full-time B: part-time C: work evenings D: work all the time

    • 1

      Suppose the population is 220 million people, the labor force is 150 million people, the number of people employed is 130 million and the working-age population is 175 million people. What is the labor force participation rate? A: 0.68 percent B: 68 percent C: 85.7 percent D: 86.7 percent

    • 2

      1) What does the U.S. Department announce ? A: The number of unemployed people increased to 3.26 million. B: The number of working people increased to 3.27 million. C: The number of initial jobless claims increased to 3.28 million. D: The number of job opportunities increased to 3.29 million.

    • 3

      149 million people out of the US total population of 299 million.

    • 4

      SW Company 1998 1999 2000Sales: 2 million 4 million 5 millionProfits: $2 million $2.5 million $3 millionWorkers: 12,200 $12,000 $12,500() A: More goods was sold in 1998 than in 2000. B: The more the number of workers increased, the more the profits were made. C: Sales increased from 1998 to 2000.