A: Books provide us with an escape from the pressures of everyday life.
B: Books are the most important things in the world, more important even than people.
C: Reading a certain book at the right time can influence your choices, decision,and views of the world.
D: The answer to every question you will ever have can be found in books.
- Which sentences best describes the author’s view of books?
- The author mean that ______ by saying "Yet few people ask from books what books can give US". A: lots of people read few books B: readers have only absorbed part of knowledge in books C: few people have a proper idea about what content some kind of books should include D: readers can scarcely understand most of the books
- According to the writer, knowledge gained from practical experience is ______. A: as important as that from books B: less important than that from books C: more important than that from books D: too limited to Use
- As much as I’ve come to __________________ ___ e-books, and while I will continue to buy them, digital books just don’t deliver the same sort of __________________________ I get from reading physical books. Physical books are more _____________. Physical books make ___________________. Print books can be easily scribbled in and ___________. Print books ____________. Print books ___________.
- According to the author, A: TV is more entertaining than good books. B: good books are as entertaining as TV. C: good books are not so entertaining as TV. D: good books are more entertaining than TV.
- 0
What does the author mean by saying “Yet few people ask from books what books can give us.”?
- 1
This passage tells us that _________. A: Londoners have plenty of time to read books B: Londoners are rich enough to buy various books C: Londoners enjoy collecting and reading books D: Londoners prefer second-hand books
- 2
You can borrow three books ______. ______ , or even more. A: at the time B: at a time C: in one time D: at time
- 3
Man: I thought the librarian said we could check out as many books as we need with our library cards. Woman: That’s right, but not those reference books. Question: What does the woman mean(). A: Students with a library card can check any book out. B: Reference books are not allowed to he checked out. C: Only students with a library card can check out reference books. D: The number of books a student can check out is unlimited.
- 4
At the end of the first paragraph,the author says, "It all felt 'right. ""What does the author have in mind here? A: Reading aloud is a very personal thing. B: Lying on the couch,listening to mother reading a story aloud is one of the most peaceful things one can enjoy. C: It is the parents' responsibility to guide their children to choose the right book to read. D: Every child has the right to choose the books they like.