• 2022-06-07
    WTO just provides a kind of mechanism,which helps to settle disputes,that’s __________.
    A: trade policy reviews.
    B: Dispute Settlement Body.
    C: Trade Facilitation Agreement.
    D: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
  • B


    • 0

      Delegates from WTO members approved the draft agreement to open up global trade in ____________.

    • 1

      According to the interpretation of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, international trade in services does not include( ) A: International tourism B: International economic assistance C: International leasing D: International consulting

    • 2

      The free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into effect in

    • 3

      Based on the trade statistics, presently China’s largest trade method is (( )( )( )( )). A: General trade B: Processing trade C: Other forms of trade D: Border trade

    • 4

      The agreement ____compensation trade will go into effect on 8th March.