The fire alarms are checked ______ to ensure that they work properly in case of an emergency.
A: recently
B: almost
C: every
D: regularly
A: recently
B: almost
C: every
D: regularly
- The probability that a particular brand of smoke alarm will function properly and sound an alarm in the presence of smoke is 0.8. You have five such alarms in your home and they operate independently. Which of the following distributions would you use to determine the probability that all of them will function properly in case of a fire A: inomial distribution B: Poisson distribution C: oth of the above D: none of the above
- What is the basis of almost every weapon? A: Gunpowder B: Fire C: Elixirs D: Saltpeter
- In the emergency alarm signals, if the alarm or whistle two long sounds followed by one short sound for 1 minute, it is the () emergency. A: fire fighting B: leakage blocking C: abandon ship D: integratio
- If every employee does his or her ______ to ensure a quality product, this company will surely succeed. A: most B: almost C: utmost D: mostly
- ______ fire, ring the alarm bell. A: In the case of B: In any case C: In no case D: In case of