• 2022-06-07
    Cultural differences are one of the potential ___of international mergers.
    A: threats
    B: pitfalls
    C: attractions
    D: advantages
  • B


    • 0

      In regard to cultural differences in international business, which one is not right? A: Hinduism attaches more importance to spiritual accomplishment than economic success. B: Protestant ethics are necessary for the smooth functioning of a capitalist economy. C: When a company choose where to locate their production facilities and business, they should consider cultures in different countries. D: One of the major cultural shifts is from survival values to secular rational values.

    • 1

      There are both cultural universals and cultural differences in VC.

    • 2

      In joint ventures, cultural differences will lead to cultural conflicts, unless they have a cultural translator.

    • 3

      The cultural differences in presenting graphs in business meetings may cause cultural ________.

    • 4

      Cultural differences are only just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits.