to speak ______ words of sympathy用温柔体贴的话语安慰
- 翻译(安慰别人的话最终安慰不了自己)成英文.如题
- Translate the following sentences into English by using the given words or phrases.我们大家都同情她。(sympathy)
- 对该病人,目前最适宜的护理措施是 A: 教育、安慰 B: 提供保证 C: 同情、体贴 D: 经常巡视 E: 用镇静剂
- (多选)以下哪个选项符合男人和女人的6种基本爱情需求? A: 女人需要赞美,男人需要忠诚 B: 女人需要体贴,男人需要认可 C: 女人需要保护,男人需要温柔 D: 女人需要安慰,男人需要鼓励
- 温柔:体贴:性情 A: 凶狠:恶毒:行为 B: 知识:学问:内涵 C: 公关:活动:宣传 D: 生:死:人生
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温柔:体贴:性情 A: 凶狠:恶毒:行为 B: 知识:学问:内涵 C: 公关:广告:宣传 D: 生:死:人生
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The symbolic nature of communication means that the words we speak or the gestures we make have no inherent meaning.
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Hera cast a curse on Leda so that she could only speak, or rather, repeat the words of others.
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The symbolic nature of communication means that the words we speak or the gestures we make have no inherent meaning.( )