• 2022-06-07
    Could you recognize different hobbies in each sentence?At the same time, could you translate the sentences?1.I like toread booksin my spare time.2.Collecting stamps is arelaxingpastime.3.My uncle likes to gofishing.4.He has soccerpracticeevery afternoon.5.I enjoyhikingin the mountains.6.Have youevergone skiing?7.What do you like to dofor fun?8.Everyone needs torelaxafter work.9.Let’s goplay basketballat the gym.10.I like tocollect antiques.11.Myfavoritehobby is bungeejumping.12.What do you like to do in yourfreetime?13.I really likeadventure stories. Iespeciallylike the ones where peopletravelto faroffplaces and they meet very differentcultures.14.Iwaswonderingif youcouldtell me where you findbaseball cardsto collect.15.Ihopemy son enjoys this hobbyasmuch as youseemto.