• 2022-06-07
    did hope that my work would be ________ worthy as before.
    A: doomed
    B: boomed
    C: bloomed
    D: deemed
  • D


    • 0

      But for my classmates’ help, I ________ the work in time. A: did not finish B: could not finish C: will not finish D: would not have finished

    • 1

      To me I am always proud of my work, but I never think this one would be a ________ before I do it. A: awness B: pavilion C: commission D: masterpiece

    • 2

      I ______ (finish) all my work before I ______ (leave).

    • 3

      I am sorry to say that from the start their plan seemed to failure. A: doomed B: zoomed C: roomed D: boomed

    • 4

      我希望我所有的学生都能进入他们想进的大学。 A: I hope all of my students will enter the universities where they wish to study. B: I hope all of my students would enter the universities to study. C: I hope all of my students would enter the universities that they study.