• 2022-06-07
    中国大学MOOC: Mr. Green is a football fan. He _______ football.
  • used to play


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      What do you think is most attractive of Italian football A: Italians play football with a style of fashion. B: Italians treat football with coolness. C: Italians play perfect defense football. D: Italians play wonderful attacking football.

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      What did the author mean by saying “I finally felt I had a team to follow” (Line 4, Para. 3)? A: Ibecame a football fan. B: I gave up the Beatles and turned to my favorite football team. C: The Beatles was my favorite band just like a favorite football team to a football fan. D: I finally found my way to follow a football team.

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      He has joined the school football team. →He is______of the school football team.

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      中国大学MOOC: Football field is also called_______.

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      中国大学MOOC: The boys were seen _____________ football on the playground.