• 2022-06-07
    It can be concluded from the last paragraph that ______.
    A: there can always be enough prosperity in US
    B: there may hardly be enough prosperity in US
    C: US is becoming more at peace with diversity
    D: US is both tolerating and benefiting its diversity
  • D


    • 0

      Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. A: The US dollar slipped more than a half from its highest point in 2002. B: The US dollar slipped more than a third from its highest point in 2002. C: The US dollar slipped more than a fourth from its highest point in 2002. D: The US dollar slipped more than a fifth from its highest point in 2002.

    • 1

      If the US government raises its tariffs, then______ . A: the American products may get an upper hand in competing with certain foreign goods B: the American consumers can buy more cheap foreign-made products C: the import volume of US may increase greatly D: the domestic inflation can be eliminated

    • 2

      She has no hostility to us, _____can be judged from her eyes. She has no hostility to us, _____can be judged from her eyes.

    • 3

      From the passage we can learn that<br/>_______. A: both blacks and whites are bewildered by racism B: examples of racism are becoming rare in the US C: official segregation is forgotten because of bad memories D: a black man born in Harlem will be the next US president.

    • 4

      What can more data do for us?