• 2022-06-07
    Jack Ma is China's most ( __ ) (success) entrepreneur.
  • successful


    • 0

      Which is NOT a success of China's science and technology? A: Jiaolong's ocean exploration B: Shenlong's ocean exploration C: China's sky eye D: "Sunway-Taihu Light" supercomputer

    • 1

      Most members of China’s middle class are well-educated.

    • 2

      They are the most ____people in China's new era. (admire)

    • 3

      What is Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Ma’s suggestions for new entrepreneurs based on their talk in Lesson 2?

    • 4

      Watch a short video clip about Jack Ma’ s advices and think over the following questions. Summarize your ideas and share with your classmates.1. What should people do at different age according to Jack Ma?