• 2022-06-07
    The experiment is chiefly done by ______().
    A: providing some biographical details and answering some questions
    B: assessing some numbered photos and selecting from a choice list
    C: visiting different websites and comparing their respective
    D: watching the TV program called "Human Instincts" and
    filling out feedback forms
  • B


    • 0

      Some TV program give people wrong ideas about the Americans.

    • 1

      —Isthere______beefinthefridge?<br/>—No,thereisn’t.Thereis______pork. A: some;any B: any;any C: some;some D: any;some

    • 2

      I’m not watching TV dramas_________. A: more B: some more C: any more

    • 3

      Only when they are injured______. A: will some animals attack a human being B: a human being will be attacked by some animals C: some animals will attack a human being D: that some animals attack a human being

    • 4

      原文:People in different countries greet each other in different ways. In some western countries, people sometimes give a <br/>kiss on the cheek (脸颊) or a hug to their friends.In some <br/>Asian countries,they usually<br/>bow slightly to greet each other. 题目:From this passage, we can learn about ____________.