• 2021-04-14
    What is the purpose of Ron Evans’ research?
  • Understand how a fat-burning gene works when the switch is turned on.


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      What are the purpose to organize and train researchers? A: Make researchers get more familar with research objective. B: Make researchers feel more comfortable with research environment. C: Make researchers get more familar with research process. D: Make researchers get more familar with research methods.

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      What is the main purpose of the research A: To make preparations for a new publication. B: To learn how couples spend their weekends. C: To investigate what people do at the weekends. D: To collect materials for ads.

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      The introduction section of an empirical research paper should ________. A: list research material B: state research purpose C: clarify research method

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      ‎When working on the literature paragraph, what should your paragraph start with?‏ A: A gap statement B: A topic sentence C: A research question D: A purpose statement

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      What is the main purpose of the following passage A: To discuss different concepts. B: To introduce a new methodology. C: To talk about conceptual systems. D: To introduce a research paper.