• 2022-06-07
    Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today encouraged more businesses to ______ the principle of sustainability in their strategies.
    A: enrich
    B: accommodate
    C: adapt
    D: embrace
  • D


    • 0

      The more they talked, _____ they felt. A: the more encouraged B: the encouraged more C: more encouraged D: the encouraged

    • 1

      General Ban Ki-moon is urging the Burmese government to A: hold the constitutional referendum. B: allow in foreign search and rescue teams. C: accept international aid right away. D: adopt John Holmes’ suggestions.

    • 2

      Before discussing the steps in detail, _______. ( ) A: I should like to lie down a general principle B: a general principle should be laid down C: a general principle lies D: I’d like to lay down a general principle

    • 3

      In 2006, Pan Ki-moon, was elected _______ Secretary-General of _______ United Nations, [br][/br] _______ position he will hold for at least 5 years. A: ; /; a B: ; the; a C: the; /; a D: the; the; the

    • 4

      现任联合国秘书长是 A: Boutros Boutros-Ghali B: Antonio Guterres C: Ban Ki-moon D: Kurt Waldheim