A: Metaphor
B: Personification
C: Antithesis
D: Hyperbole
- The rhetorical device used in the sentence "I’ve invited millions of people." is ______. A: irony B: hyperbole C: inversion D: metaphor
- What rhetorical device is used in the sentence “饭来张口,衣来伸手”? A: pun B: metaphor C: rhyme D: personification
- The rhetorical device used in “He will suffer much pain and have little success unless he has had pretty regular and persistent practice.” is( ). A: antithesis B: metaphor C: irony D: hyperbole
- The rhetorical device used in the sentence "Good fences make good neighbors" is called a ________. A: pun B: simile C: personification D: metaphor
- What is the figure speech used in the sentence "Walls have ears."? A: Metaphor B: Simile C: Personification D: Antithesis
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The passage starts with "I have a confession". What rhetorical device is used here? A: simile B: metaphor C: repetation D: irony
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Choose the rhetorical device used in the following statement.Was I not at the scene of the crime? (Para. 1) A: irony B: hyperbole C: rhetorical question
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Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm around my shoulder. Which rhetorical device is used in this sentence? ( ) A: sarcasm B: transferred epithet C: hyperbole D: metaphor
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What writing device is used in the sentence "Whenever you need me, wherever you need me, I will be there for you."? A: metaphor B: simile C: parallelism D: hyperbole
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“She seemed beyond the reach of time.” What rhetorical device is used in “beyond the reach of time”? ( ) A: Antonomasia B: Euphemism C: Synecdoche D: Hyperbole