• 2022-06-07
    Let me give you ______.
  • some advice such an advice


    • 0

      Let me give you a____advice. A: piece of B: cup of C: bottle of D: glass of

    • 1

      Let me give you a _________ advice. A: drop of B: piece of C: bottle of D: lump of

    • 2

      Let me give you one _________ (具体的、明确的)example to support my opinion.

    • 3

      Palm: () Marry: Oh, I’ll let you go. Give me a call when you have some time.

    • 4

      5 Choose the correct word. ► Shall/Let me answer the door. Let 1 That’s very kind for/of you. ____ 2 Let/Let’s me get the shopping. ____ 3 Let/Shall I answer the phone? ____ 4 Would/Do you like me to help? ____ 5 Shall I/I’ll carry that for you? ____ 6 Shall I give/take you a lift to work? ____ 7 Let me/I do the washing-up. ____ 8 Do you like/want me to make the breakfast? ____