• 2022-06-07
    I returned the faulty goods to the wholesalers and they gave me a full _______________. ( )
    A: refund
    B: reward
    C: commercial
    D: mailshot
  • A


    • 0

      I feel I am entitled to a full refund in addition to an apology for the inconvenience _____。

    • 1

      According to UCP 600, description of goods(品名)in<br/>B/L should be ( ) A: in<br/>full conformity with the provisions of L/ B: in<br/>full conformity with the provisions of commercial invoice. C: in<br/>full name of goods. D: As<br/>long as it does not contradict the description of the goods in L/C,<br/>the general name of the goods may be used.

    • 2

      I gave him a present but he gave me nothing _____.

    • 3

      I gave John a gift but he gave me nothing in return.()

    • 4

      23. I feel I am entitled to a full refund in addition to an apology for the inconvenience A: to cause B: causing C: cause D: caused